

Go hero
"It's exciting, it's deeply human and it's exquisitely well written."
Aftenposten – Read more
"Goksøyr and Martens have created a walking theater experience where all the pieces fit as they should and the surprises are saved for last. It makes you feel blessed."
Dagsavisen – Read more
"With "GO" they manage to open our senses and imagination in the face of the everyday. They incorporate you into a story about care that you can relate to your own life, and an entire urban space to reflect on it in. And they show how the familiar can offer moments of realization, if we just lift our gaze a little"
Vårt Land – Read more

En kvinne er på vei til legevakta, og samtidig som hun går gjennom byen, lytter vi til tankene hennes: om moren – og det som skjedde for ti dager siden.

Gå er en tankestrøm i dialog med byrommet, lydene og hendelsene der. Samtidig utforsker forestillingen hvordan offentlige hygienetiltak og mangel på ritualer kan påvirke oss.


A woman is on her way to the emergency department, and as she passes through the city we listen in on her thoughts: about her mother – and what happened ten days ago.

GO (life #5) is an internal monologue that engages in a dialogue with the urban space, its sounds, and the events that occur there. At the same time, the performance explores how public hygiene measures can impact our relationships with loved ones, and how we cope with a lack of rituals.

Main sponsor

Dsc 1318 50335089182 o 2022 01 28 153921 wsfn
Dette er en test
Dsc 1217 50334245263 o 2022 01 28 153916 oieg
Dsc 1161 50335093797 o 2022 01 28 153909 eija
Dsc 1098 50335097092 o 2022 01 28 153904 zwhg
Dsc 1033 50335098077 o 2022 01 28 153850 etdm


  • Script & direction
  • Sound design
  • Dramaturg
    Anders Hasmo
  • Photography
    Kim Hiorthøy
  • Language consultant
    Inger Johanne Sæterbakk
  • Dialect model
    Kristin Indahl
  • Stage manager
    Per Berg-Nilsen
  • Sound technician and editing
    Liana Degtiar
  • Props coordinator
    Åshild Mjelde Nordås
  • Child sitter
    Fredrikke Folvik
  • Researcher
  • Producer Goksøyr & Martens
  • Cast
    Amell Basic, Øyvin Berven, Fredrikke Folvik, Stine Wexelsen Goksøyr, Eira Sjaastad Huse, Tuva Holen, Paul Åge Johannesen, Agnes Kittelsen, Geir Kvarme, Casper Falck – Løvås, Amina Mohamud, Hilde Olausson, Sigurd Skeidsvoll, Oddgeir Thune, Ane Dahl Torp, Kaia Varjord, Felicia Weisser, Helena Weisser, Nina Woxholtt, Haakon Aars

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