"A play you might remember for the rest of your life"
"Razor-sharp dissection of the modern family"
"... A powerful performance that lights the way and shows that form, content and critical thinking always go hand in hand"
En kvinne og en mann våkner omtrent samtidig, men blir liggende i senga lenger enn de burde, fordi barna fortsatt sover. Snart skal de spise frokost, og dra til et sted hvor de campa i fjor. Den eldste dattera har bestemt seg for å bli hjemme. Og det er helt greit, for moren hennes har sagt at hun vil komme innom i løpet av kvelden. Men hva om det ikke skjer?
Dattera er en fortelling om hvordan alt kan falle fra hverandre på en natt, selv om alle ønsker det samme.
Dattera er del to av pentalogien Livet. Stykket ble nominert til Den nasjonale Ibsen-prisen 2020.
A woman and a man wake around the same time but stay in bed longer than they should, because the children are still asleep. Soon they’ll have breakfast, and set off to where they went camping last year. The oldest daughter has decided to stay home. Which is fine, because her mum has said she’d look in during the evening; at least she said she would. But what if she doesn’t turn up?
The Daughter is a tale of how everything can fall apart in one night, even when we all want the same thing.
The Daughter is part two of the pentalogy life. The play was nominated for the National Ibsen award of 2020.