- (Current)2024MomA
"MomA byr på et lydbilde så vidunderlig skarpt at det overgår alt jeg tidligere har vært borti av hodetelefonteater. Sånn kan det altså gjøres!"
Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift
- (Past)2023Forspill / Álggahus
En lesning for fire personer. Performance under Høstutstillingen 2023.
- (Past)2022Bror/Brother
"An artistically detailed and well executed work in a strikingly strong performance"
Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift
- (Past)2021Gå/Go
"It's exciting, it's deeply human and it's exquisitely well written" - Terningkast 5 - Aftenposten
- (Past)2019Dattera/The daughter
"A play you might remember for the rest of your life" - Aftenposten
- (Past)201711 år/11 years
"Shockingly good about child suicide" - VG
- (Past)2015Free
How much can you tell your mother before she gets up and leaves?
- (Past)2013Care After
Care After is experience from the top of a four meter high scaffolding. The actions take place in a dementia ward, in a hospital, in the national theatre and in a childhood home.
- (Past)2011Parent Meeting
A performance based on documentary texts. Particiants: Public, actors from the national theatre, a man from Kosovo, Albania, a Vietnamese woman and two children.
- (Past)2010Church Service
Performance based on the participants own texts combined with the standard church service. Participants: Public, two priests, a Jewish woman, an actor and a children's choir in Gaza.
- (Past)2009Palestinian Embassy
A performance based on the performers texts and an official ceremony. Performers: the public, Palestinian and Norwegian politicians and academics, five dancers, a child, an old man and two pilots.
- (Past)2009Salon
A performance based on documentary texts.
- (Past)2009This is No Dream
A performance based on documentary texts. Performers: Barnato Park High School Choir.
- (Past)2008Request Concert by Franz Xaver Kroetz
A performance without words. The room was a reconstructed bedsit flat. The piece is about a woman who changes her clothes, drinks tea, watches TV. brushes her teeth, before she makes her bed, swallows a glass full of sleeping tablets and dies.
- (Past)2006The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen
A performance based on Ibsen's The Wild Duck and a documentary style text. Participants: actors from the National Theatre, two girls, a trans gender woman and twenty youth.
- (Past)2004Cinderella
A performance based on a well known fairy tale and documentary texts.
- (Past)2003The Troll and the Fisher Girl
Performance with nine students and one American man.
- (Past)2003Bed Piece
Improvised stunt theatre with politically youth activists.
- (Past)2002Biography
Performance with Mona Tandberg, Lars Wikdahl, Jon Øygarden, 70 extras, a photographer and five journalists.
- (Past)2001Will you Be There?
A performance with 70 youth, one journalist and an actor.
- (Past)2001Fall
A performance with 60 young people and seven elderly people.
- (Past)2000Because You are Rich
Performance on the street. Participants: Passer bys, shopping and Goksøyr & Martens.
- (Past)2000Musical Chairs
A performance for and with the general public. Participants: General public, the Swedish TV host Ingvar Oldsberg and Goksøyr & Martens in the role of hosts.
- (Past)1999The Opening Night
A performance based on a documentary text written by Wenche Foss. Participants: Actress Wenche Foss, five waiters, twenty five photographers and Goksøyr & Martens in the role of hosts.
- (Past)1999Double Concert
A performance with students from Barrat/ Dues Music Institute and Oslo Children and Youth Theatre, all between the ages of 7 - 14 yrs old. A pianist, a conductor and Goksøyr & Martens.
- (Past)1998What Has to Be Done
A performance with twenty professional film people, thirty asylum seekers from Kosovo, an interpreter, a lawyer, a cook, and Goksøyr & Martens in the role of reporters.
- (Past)1998Best Wishes
A performance with 17 couples aged between 16 and 75.
- (Past)1997Public Toilet
A show without words. Participants: Fifteen young men and women.